Atmospheric impacts of halogen monoxide reactions with organic peroxy radicals: Direct measurements of reaction kinetics and product yields Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate, Climate Primary Supervisor: Daniel Stone <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Chemistry)
How polluted is our World? Investigating air pollutant long-range transport using state-of-the-art geostationary satellite constellations and chemistry transport modelling! Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Richard Pope <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Climate impacts on tropospheric oxidation Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Mathew Evans <> Institution: University of York (Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories)
Resolving the hydroxyl radical budget in the tropical marine boundary layer through field measurements of the total OH loss rate Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate Primary Supervisor: Lisa Whalley <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Chemistry)
Impacts of Ablating Space Debris in the Middle Atmosphere Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics Primary Supervisor: John Plane <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Chemistry)
Climate impacts from water-rich large-magnitude volcanic eruptions Theme(s): Atmospheric Physics, Climate Primary Supervisor: Graham Mann <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Understanding chlorine and its impact on methane lifetime in remote marine environments through measurements and modelling Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Climate Primary Supervisor: Pete Edwards <> Institution: University of York (Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories)