Understanding Causal Effects of Perturbations on Social Systems to Allow Prediction of Natural Populations’ Responses to Change Theme(s): Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity, Evolution, palaentology and biotic change, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Josh Firth <j.a.firth@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Biology)
Facilitating species dispersal through productive landscapes Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning Primary Supervisor: David Williams <d.r.williams@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Ecological and conservation implications of illicit and unregulated species translocations Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation Primary Supervisor: George Holmes <g.holmes@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)