Quantifying the impact of tropical deforestation on coral reefs to support coordinated tropical forest and marine conservation Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry, Climate, Climate Impacts, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Hydrology, Marine Biogeochemistry Primary Supervisor: Dominick Spracklen <D.V.Spracklen@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Hydro-mechanical controls on fracture permeability in carbonate reservoirs for geothermal energy production and carbon storage Theme(s): Applied Geoscience, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Jared West <l.j.west@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Creating resilient river systems: Reimagining water resource management in the UK Theme(s): Climate Impacts, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Megan Klaar <m.j.klaar@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
The future of Himalayan glacial lakes: uncovering subsurface features and instabilities with fieldwork and remote sensing observations Theme(s): Climate, Glacial/Cryosphere, Hydrology, Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: C. Scott Watson <c.s.watson@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Interactions between glacier loss, proglacial lake development and downstream river ecosystems Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry, Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Glacial/Cryosphere, Hydrology, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Lee Brown <l.brown@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Hydrologically-informed estimates of malaria transmission Theme(s): Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Mark Smith <m.w.smith@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Regenerative Agriculture for Net-Zero Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Richard Grayson <r.grayson@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
What are the implications of recent changes to the Karakoram’s “glacier anomaly”? Theme(s): Climate, Climate Impacts, Glacial/Cryosphere, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Liam Taylor <L.Taylor2@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)