Simulating Cascading Climate Impacts in Coastal Cities Theme(s): Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Roger Cremades <> Institution: University of Leeds (Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment)
Exploring the value of regional decadal climate prediction for adaptation planning Theme(s): Climate Primary Supervisor: Susanne Lorenz <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Adapting to climate change on subtropical reefs Theme(s): Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning Primary Supervisor: Maria Beger <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Biology)
Creating resilient river systems: Reimagining water resource management in the UK Theme(s): Climate Impacts, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Megan Klaar <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Adaptation to extreme environmental change: Consequences of multiple stressors for species interactions and their extinction risk Theme(s): Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Steven Sait <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Biology)